
Herculaneum V.20. Long and narrow shop-room. Linked to V.19.

Excavated 1937-38.


Ins. V 20, Herculaneum, September 2015. Entrance doorway.

V.20 Herculaneum, September 2015. Entrance doorway.


V. 20, Herculaneum, September 2015. Looking west along northern façade of doorways of Insula V.  Photo courtesy of Michael Binns.

V.20 Herculaneum, September 2015.

Looking west along northern façade of doorways of Insula V. Photo courtesy of Michael Binns.


V. 20,19,18,17, Herculaneum, May 2010.Looking west along northern façade of doorways.

V.2019,18,17, Herculaneum, May 2010. Looking west along northern façade of doorways.


V.20 Herculaneum, September 2015. Looking towards west wall. Photo courtesy of Michael Binns.

V.20 Herculaneum, September 2015. Looking towards west wall. Photo courtesy of Michael Binns.


V. 20, Herculaneum, May 2010. West wall.

V.20 Herculaneum, May 2010. West wall.


V.20 Herculaneum, March 2014. Looking south along east wall, from entrance doorway.
Foto Annette Haug, ERC Grant 681269 DÉCOR.

V.20 Herculaneum, March 2014. Looking south along east wall, from entrance doorway.

Foto Annette Haug, ERC Grant 681269 DÉCOR.


V.20, Herculaneum. June 2006. Looking south from entrance doorway, towards east wall. 
Photo courtesy of Nicolas Monteix.

V.20 Herculaneum. June 2006. Looking south from entrance doorway, towards east wall. Photo courtesy of Nicolas Monteix.


Ins. V, 20. May 2010. East side of doorway.

V.20 Herculaneum, May 2010. East side of doorway.


Ins. V, 20. May 2010.  Tub/basin near east wall of shop-room.

V.20 Herculaneum, May 2010. Tub/basin/container near east wall of shop-room.


Ins. V, 20. May 2010. Looking south in rear room.

V.20 Herculaneum, May 2010. Looking south in rear room.


V. 20, Herculaneum, October 2014. Bed-recess in east wall of rear room. Photo courtesy of Michael Binns.

V.20 Herculaneum, October 2014. Bed-recess in east wall of rear room. Photo courtesy of Michael Binns.


V.20 Herculaneum, March 2014. Looking towards east wall of rear room, with bed recess.
Foto Annette Haug, ERC Grant 681269 DÉCOR.

V.20 Herculaneum, March 2014. Looking towards east wall of rear room, with bed recess.

Foto Annette Haug, ERC Grant 681269 DÉCOR.


Ins. V, 20. May 2010. East wall above bed-recess.

V.20 Herculaneum, May 2010. East wall above bed-recess.


Ins. V, 20. May 2010. Bed-recess in east wall of rear room.

V.20 Herculaneum, May 2010. Bed-recess in east wall of rear room.


V. 20, Herculaneum, May 2010. Looking north to roadway along west wall of shop-room.

V.20 Herculaneum, May 2010. Looking north to roadway along west wall of shop-room.


V 20, Herculaneum, September 2015. Looking west from north end of insula, across V.21 to rooms on upper floor of V.20 with doorways into upper V.19. Decumanus Maximus is on the right. According to Wallace-Hadrill, a dossier of Cominius Primus was found in this upper apartment.
See Wallace-Hadrill, A. (2011). Herculaneum, Past and Future. London, Frances Lincoln Ltd., (p.257).

V.20 Herculaneum, September 2015.

Looking west from north end of insula, across V.21 to rooms on upper floor of V.20 with doorways into upper V.19.

Decumanus Maximus is on the right.

According to Wallace-Hadrill, a dossier of Lucius Cominius Primus was found in this upper apartment.

See Wallace-Hadrill, A. (2011). Herculaneum, Past and Future. London, Frances Lincoln Ltd., (p.257).

According to Cooley, the wax tablets found in this archive illustrate the varied financial and legal affairs of a single businessman in the decades leading up to the town’s destruction. Some of his transactions were with leading individuals in Roman society, such as Sentius Saturninus and Ulpia Plotina, who could draw on their immense wealth, while others were with fellow townsfolk at Herculaneum. He both borrowed money himself and also lent cash to others, acting as a financial middleman. It was usual for such loans to be made both by private lenders and by professionals like Lucius Cominius Primus.

Cooley lists several of the tablets and their transaction names and details.

See Cooley, A. and M.G.L., 2014. Pompeii and Herculaneum: A Sourcebook. London: Routledge, p. 255, H53, p.256, H55, p. 260-2, H64, H65, H66, H67.


Herculaneum, May 2010. Looking west towards the upper floor of V.20 and upper doorway into V.19, from V.21.

V.20, Herculaneum, May 2010. Looking west towards the upper floor of V.20 and upper doorway into V.19.


V.20 Herculaneum, October 2020. Looking west towards the upper floor of V.20 and doorways into V.19. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.

V.20 Herculaneum, October 2020. Looking west towards the upper floor of V.20 and doorways into V.19. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.


Herculaneum, May 2010. Looking west towards the upper floor of V.20 and upper doorway into V.19, from V.21.

V.20, Herculaneum, April 2018. Looking west on upper floor of V.20, towards doorways into upper V.19.

Photo courtesy of Ian Lycett-King. Use is subject to Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License v.4 International.


V.20, Herculaneum, March 2014. Looking west on upper floor of V.20, towards doorways into upper V.19.
Foto Annette Haug, ERC Grant 681269 DÉCOR.

V.20, Herculaneum, March 2014. Looking west on upper floor of V.20, towards doorways into upper V.19.

Foto Annette Haug, ERC Grant 681269 DÉCOR.





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Le immagini fotografiche a bassa risoluzione pubblicate su questo web site sono copyright © di Jackie e Bob Dunn E NON POSSONO ESSERE UTILIZZATE, IN ALCUNA CIRCOSTANZA, PER GUADAGNO O RICOMPENSA COMMERCIALMENTE. Su concessione del Ministero della Cultura - Parco Archeologico di Ercolano. Si comunica che nessun riproduzione o duplicazione può considerarsi legittimo senza l'autorizzazione scritta del Parco Archeologico di Ercolano.

Ultimo aggiornamento - Last updated: 21-Nov-2023 18:08